Download Grades from the Gradebook
  • 22 Nov 2024
  • 1 دقيقة للقراءة
  • المساهمون
  • داكن
  • PDF

Download Grades from the Gradebook

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  • PDF

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ملخص المقال

Downloading your grades from Moodle is a straightforward process that provides a convenient way to review, analyze, or archive grades for future reference. With a few clicks, you can export your grade report in a format that suits your needs.

Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Once you have logged in, navigate to your courses and choose the course from which you want to download the grades.

  2. Navigate to "Grades" located in the secondary menu.

  3. In the "Grader Report," select the "Export" option from the dropdown menu to start the download process.

  • You can apply filters based on names.
  • If your course uses groups, you have the option to export grades specifically for "Separate groups".
  1. Choose your preferred file format from the available "export as" options, such as OpenDocument Spreadsheet, Excel, XML file.

  2. Select the grade items you want to include in the export (e.g., assignments, quizzes, final grades).

  3. After customizing your export settings, click "Download" to save the grade file to your device.

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