Create a new request
  • 11 Jul 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Create a new request

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Article Summary

To create a new request on the ORS, please follow the below steps:

  1. On the homepage, click on the eRequests button and then on the All Requests button.
  2. Click on the New Request button.
  3. Enter the Employee ID/Student ID, depends on whom you are requesting for.
  4. Chose the request category, which is the office you are requesting from. For example, if you would like to get an access card, you would choose the “Maintenance & Services” as a request category and “Access Card” as a request type.
  5. Once you choose the request category and type, you will be presented with a related form to be filled, as illustrated below. Noting that you cannot submit any request without filling the required fields, which have the red astrik (*).
  6. You can scroll down to check the conditions which should be met in order to start this request.
  7. Once you have completed all the steps above and you are confident of all the details entered, click on the Submit button.

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