Faculty and Staff AU Network and Email Accounts
  • 05 Jul 2021
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Faculty and Staff AU Network and Email Accounts

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Article summary

Your AU account is your electronic key to a variety of computing systems and resources at the University, including access to email, wireless and LAN internet, intranet and network shared folders. All students, faculty and staff are eligible for network and email accounts. 

Full-time faculty/staff will automatically be granted a network and email account within 24 hours of becoming officially employed. Visitors and part-time faculty/staff should request these services from the Helpdesk – they will be given an account which will expire at the end of the semester.

The standard format for the network/email account is the first letter of the faculty’s/staff’s first name, followed by a dot and the family name. Thus, if the faculty’s/staff’s name is Omar Ahmed, the user account will be: o.ahmed.

  • Your network and email account have the same password. This password is a valuable asset and should be known only to you. To safeguard your identity and privacy, do not give your password to anyone.
  • You will be requested to reset your network password after you log in to the network for the first time.
  • This Network account will be used for Email, HR System, ORS System, and E-Learning Management System.

Validity period of your accounts

For a full-time faculty/staff the account will remain active as long as the faculty/staff status is full-time and active. For a visitor or part-timer the network/email account is valid for one semester. The faculty/staff may request to extend the validity of the Network/email account if required for more than one semester. The Office of IT will confirm whether it is required for a longer period.

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